Jan Schenk Grosskopf

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Break Out the Tinfoil!

As I mentioned last week, the government reluctantly complied with a freedom of information request (FOIA) and dumped 1,500 pages related to UAPs, popularly known as UFOs. The most accessible document referenced another that has been publicly available for some time. And what do we learn from reading these two documents? Your mother was right about not talking to strangers, and your crazy uncle was right about tinfoil.

Although aliens have been lurking for centuries, our nuclear weapons really got their attention in the mid-1940s. Since then, they have been swarming around nuclear sites, military aircraft, and naval vessels. Smart as the aliens are, however, it has taken decades for them to get the message that radiation is bad for humans; or maybe they don’t really care, since they keep flying too close, causing radiation burns on pilots.

When the aliens aren’t flying around our nuclear sites and air and naval craft, they like to “invite” earthlings for fun rides on their saucers, and it turns out just how your parents warned you it would if you went with strangers. If pressed for time - everyone is in a hurry these days - some aliens dispense with the nice overtures and abduct their victims. Most people are confused and disoriented when they get their feet back on the ground. Some describe being the subject of painful experiments; a few others claim to have been sexually assaulted. And victims can’t get relief by thinking bad thoughts about their abductors, because aliens can get into your head unless you wear a tinfoil hat. Read it and weep, naysayers, uncle was right:

“Simple shielding, including with tin-foil hats (sic!) will attenuate and often block totally the sounds and communications.” (Quotation: Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues, 17, link below.)

What’s the takeaway from these reports? Despite all their advances, the aliens have their own problems. For decades they’ve had technological disasters: crashing near Roswell and breaking down on the sides of roads all over the world. They have bad manners, as evidenced in offering free space rides that turn out to be medical experiments. They’re a testy lot, who think nothing of shooting ray guns at good Samaritans who stop to help them. For some reason, they like to cut up cows. Finally, they don’t seem to be too loyal; according to Bob Lazar and the Roswell witnesses the aliens leave men behind.

Reading these documents leaves me feeling confused and disoriented, and I didn’t take a free space ride. So, please, read them yourself. Is the government distracting us with this material, or is it real?

https://warpdrivecar.files.wordpress.com/2020/02/medicalreport.pdf and https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/ https://www.metabunk.org/attachments/239305279-john-f-schuessler-a-catalog-of-ufo-related-human-physiological-effects-pdf.50609/